vSphere 6.5 & 6.7 – End of General Support
Why do I keep posting this?
I do not want anyone to be surprised….
Don’t forget that vSphere 6 is phasing out, and that most people should be moving to vSphere 7.
Customer buying new hardware, & asking for ESXi 6.5 installs are being met with surprises, as the hardware doesn’t support ESXi 6.5…..forcing the upgrade path.
So far, vSphere 7.0.3 Update 3f (July release) seems to be very stable.
vSphere 6.5 & 6.7 End Of General Support ends October 15, 2022
This only leaves 6 weeks to get to vSphere 7.
….and vSphere 8 was just announced…
VMware End of Support pages are here.
Don’t forget that SD cards are no longer recommended by VMware!
That means you need SSD or NVMe for boot drives now!
VMware Explore 2022
You can now visit the VMware Explore landing page, and get access to all the content (with a VMware login)….keynotes, sessions,
As of 9/2, 410 out of 458 sessions have been posted online.
William Lam has already published his GitHub page making searching a bit easier.
vBrownbag has all the VMTN Community Talks on its YouTube Channel.